Psoriasis is a skin disease which has a characteristic red, scaly lesion patches on the surface of the skin of hands (typically elbow), legs, back, trunk and scalp. Psoriasis can be found in around 125 million people on the globe. It is an autoimmune disease, thus, there is no particular known cause for it but there are some trigger factors which include stress, dryness, dry climate, smoking, certain NSAIDs, etc. It rapidly grows in an immune compromised person. It becomes very difficult to live a normal life with psoriasis due to intense itching and flakiness of the lesions. Also, for some it is too embarrassing to appear in public and come into contact with the crowd. Till date there is no known cure for psoriasis but there are some tips which can relieve your itching and ease your living with it. Here we discuss few ingredients which can help you to deal with psoriasis.
Moisturize: The main trigger to aggravate psoriasis is dryness. Thus, you can remove dryness of the skin by applying few moisturizers, psoriasis specific ointments (e.g. Immupsora Ointment), Neem oil, olive oil, etc. this can be very helpful to reduce itching triggered by dry climate. Also, avoid staying in air conditioned room for long hours.
Apple cidar vinegar: This is a popular home remedy known for its anti-bacterial properties. People find it beneficial when applied to scalp. You can try using this by diluting one part of vinegar in one part of water or you can wash your scalp with the vinegar solution. Please avoid using this if you have cracked or bleeding skin.
Soaking: Mix Dead Sea salt, Epsom salt or potassium permanganate in your bath tub. Soak yourself for about 15-20 minutes. This has proved very effective in relieving itching and flakiness in the patients having psoriasis. Use of hot water can remove moisture from your body; hence use of Luke warm water is appreciated. Use of few drops olive oil and neem oil can also enhance the effect.
Turmeric: It is used in many Indian cuisines and is popular as a disinfectant. You can use 1-2 grams of turmeric in your food preparations. It is distinguished as an herbal remedy. You can also find it in market with combination of other herbs essential to ameliorate psoriasis red patches (e.g. Sangpure tablets).
Oats: You can try applying a paste of oats, water and few drops of olive oil. This combination soothes your skin, relieving dryness and itching.
Detoxification: It is very necessary to remove all the toxic agents in the body to get a clear skin. Thus, inducing various antioxidants like Minerals and Vitamins [Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), Folic acid, Vitamin B12 (cyano Cobalamin), Magnesium gluconate; Zinc gluconate], fish oil, holy basil, turmeric, neem, etc. can promote the process of elimination of toxic ingredients from the body. You can get these antioxidants separately or in combination in market in various forms of tablets (e.g. detoxym), oil, etc.
Yoga: Yoga is very essential to reduce stress that aggravates psoriasis. Thus, regular yoga and meditation can improve the quality of your life as well as reduce psoriatic lesions. They also help in improving the general immunity of the body.
Healthy diet: You should avoid eating red meat and fried food in your diet. A healthy diet with colorful vegetables, fish and olive oil is recommended. Also, too many nuts and fatty food can aggravate the symptoms.
Natural Products: When it comes to natural treatment options for Psoriasis, tons of research have been done to find out natural supplements or vitamins that may ease all or some of the symptoms of Psoriasis. There are Ayurvedic kits available in the market which claim to contain advance herbal extracts that can control Psoriasis by reducing the inflammations and itching thus improving the overall dermal health. Usage of combinations of such natural products and above listed ingredients can help provide relief from this dreaded skin disease. Tatcha skin care product reviews note that the line uses rice bran, licorice, gold, and other natural ingredients so that may be a good option for people with sensitive skin.
Tags: psoriasis treatment, psoriasis cure, treatment for psoriasis, cure for psoriasis, how to cure psoriasis, natural treatment options for psoriasis, naturopathy for psoriasis